"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Growing Up

With only a few weeks before we close, we find ourselves jumping through the last few hoops before we call the house ours. Homeowner's insurance is my most recent battle. How do I know what good coverage is? No one else seems to know either - every single person I've asked went with their car insurance company. I have been looking to change my car insurance, so have a world of options. While I have a few in mind, whoever calls me back first will have the best shot. With calls and emails in to a number of agents from various companies on Thursday and Friday, I'm hoping Monday will bring a few returned communications.

The best news we've had so far is that the appraisal went as we'd hoped. Our house does not appear to be in a "declining market" and our mortgage broker doesn't think there is anything to worry about. The moment I give him the name of an insurance agent, our portfolio is off to the underwriter. This is the best news we could have hoped for after all the doom and gloom about appraisals these days.

My next battle will be packing, while still trying to be a worthwhile teaching professional. We've got two weekends in between now and moving weekend. The second of those, I have an out of town commitment on Saturday afternoon and we won't return to Columbia until Sunday afternoon. With a new set of research papers to grade and classes to plan, my head reels with amount of work that needs to happen between now and then. The only things getting me by and keeping me from totally losing it are Matt's complete calm about all of this and my soon to be garden. I tend to be the worrier/planner in our relationship and he tends to get things accomplished quietly and in his own time. While I plan what nights I'll pack and give myself deadlines to take things to the Goodwill store, he just has faith that we'll get it all done in time. I know he's right, but my imagination still tends to get the best of me when I'm grading and feel like I should be packing.

In a flurry of anticipation and procrastination, plus some excitement about our new back yard, I decided we need a lawn mower before our move in date. The yard is beautiful, but we don't know how long the grass will be when we move in. It might be ready for a trim, and as of this morning, we're equipped to provide it! Sears had a sale on all lawn and garden appliances and for small chunk of change we'll be able to pick up both our line trimmer and lawn mower this afternoon. On the checklist of adult benchmarks, we're checking them off pretty rapidly these days.

1 comment:

  1. Yea for a yard! I spent today planting as well...I can't wait for the move and am so exicted about all the good news! we'll get together when it works! Until then, don't stress- everything will get done!
