"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Perfect Proposal Pancakes

It was 5:33 am - just two minutes before my alarm had been set to go off.   I found myself awake, groggy, not knowing what was going on, thinking Matt was headed back to bed after using the bathroom.  Something about his entering the room woke me up.  It wasn't until much later that his coming back to bed from that direction didn't make sense since we have a master bath and he was coming from the living room. 

Everything was dark except for the small sliver of light coming through the door from the hallway.  There was a smell - familiar, yet elusive so early  and unexpectedly in the morning.  Despite my groaning for just a few more minutes, Matt announced that it was time to wake up because he had made me a pancake breakfast.  A pancake breakfast in bed? I was all for this new treat!  Still moving slowly, Matt coaxed me to put on my glasses (I think I dropped them twice during this process), sit up in bed and focus my eyes.  He actually made quite sure I did all of these things before he pulled the chain on my lamp.  When I was finally able to open my eyes without a wicked squint, he placed the plate of pancakes in front of me on the bed.  In skinny, crispy, burnt little pancake letters, he spelled out "Marry me?" By the time I caught my breath and knew what was happening, he was on one knee and holding out a ring!  I didn't realize it until I tried to speak that I was crying already.  It has only been 36 hours and it's all a blur to me.  The excitement, the fact that it was first thing in the morning, my blinding happiness.... all factor into that blurry, fuzzy, shaky feeling I still have in my chest.  

It was so cute, so heartfelt, so us.  I love his proposal.  I love him.  I'm going to love being his wife. 

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