"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Thursday, January 7, 2010


We got to see our first snow since we moved into our house and it was accompanied by two snow days - today and tomorrow. I love a good snow as long as the only plans it ruins are plans to go to school. After sleeping in for a bit, a light breakfast and some reading in front of the fireplace, I left Matt inside to nurse his injured back while I tackled my first ever snow-covered driveway.

The pseudo-country kid that I am, I never had to shovel or mow. This was work for manly men and tractors. Both immediate neighbors had some high school students use a snow blower to clear their drives for $15 bucks. I know this because one of them is currently my student and he came to my door while I was still in my robe to ask if I would enjoy the same service. #1. Embarrassing. #2 No way. Snow blowers are for wussies and this is a right of passage I felt I must endure. So for an hour today, while kids everywhere made snowmen and snow angels, I played with the shovel and made clearing a driveway women's work :)

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