"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Does a Dog Really Need a Bed?

I am not a dog "parent." I do not think of my dogs as my children. In fact, I've actually thought about how great it would be to find someone who wanted to adopt them, but still allow me visitation rights. I do love them, but I'm not going to make my own organic vegetable and quinoa dog food or take them to a canine psychologist.

So Bama has a dog bed. He sleeps in it all day while we're gone, sometimes when we're here and then again when all the lights go out in our house at night. We keep it in the back room because I just don't like looking at it. We've noticed that Bama tries to sneak onto the couch (which they are NOT allowed to do EVER) when it's cold outside. Griffin has never really had much interest. In fact, he chewed on the last bed we purchased and spread the fluff around the living room. Dog bed privileges revoked! We weren't worried about his lack of a cushy place to sleep since he usually spreads out on the tile or wood floor to sleep - he's warm-bodied.

Little did we know he'd be stealing Bama's bed and using it for himself this winter. Bama was sneaking the couch when we discovered Griffin hogging the bed in the back room. Now we were in need of two beds, but I wasn't about to buy another one for him to chew up. So I made one instead.

I took two bleached and faded towels we had already designated as towels for muddy dog feet and such. I sewed them together on three sides, turned it inside out, stuffed them with the fluff from the chewed up dog bed and then sewed up the open end. Insta Griffin bed!

I'm pretty sure he likes it :-)

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