"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Monday, December 12, 2011

Scratch That. Reverse It. (Part II)

So what sparked all of our changing our minds? Are we moving? Are we staying? What's going on?? In May, our little family of two will expand to be include a third :-)

As of this moment, I am 16 weeks along and have finally had a chance to let the world know our news. While this was fun, it was also exhausting! Keeping secrets about major changes in my life is not my forte, and with so many people to tell - family, bosses, co-workers, friends near and far - consider me worn out. It feels so good to know that the information is public and that we have nothing to hide.

We definitely wanted to wait until we were through the first trimester before spilling the beans to absolutely everyone, but the Thanksgiving holiday followed so near after that point it spurred us to wait until we were about 15 weeks and tell everyone in person. Very few words were exchanged and for the most part, we just handed out this year's Christmas card in person. After a few seconds, each person we shared with erupted with understanding and a smile, or a screech, or a squeal. As far as the Christmas card reveals go, meeting with my sisters at the Panera near my mom and dad's house might be my favorite secret-spilling session. There was a lot of squealing and questions and talk about being an aunt for the first time. Somehow, telling everyone has made this all the more real and exciting.

[Our 2011 Christmas Card Photo - taken in our back yard in November]

When we first got the news it was definitely exciting, but also stressful. We were in transition and the end point of our having to live in different cities seemed so very far away. The plan was for me to work on selling our house and find a job this winter in order to join Matt in our new city near the beginning of June. With the news of the babe arriving in late May our plans stayed the same for only a few weeks. We found out as early as you can about a pregnancy and spent the next few weeks just trying to figure out what would be best for us as we headed for a major life change. After a lot of weighing the pros and cons, Matt convinced me that giving up his job in Saint Louis would be the best thing for us. His reasoning was this: if we moved, everything was going to change and if we stayed, only Matt's job would have to change (again). He's my knight in shining armor :-) And he was right. Our jobs, our stable living situation, our comfort with our surroundings, many friends, our resources would all having to change if we moved.

So here we are, over a third of the way through a pregnancy and we still find ourselves planning for a life change - just not the one we thought we'd be making this spring!

[16-Week Bump Picture]

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