"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Monday, February 18, 2013

My Absence, My Return

After much encouragement from some dear friends and family, my desire to write, plus my own nagging guilt, I am back.  I don't even know where to begin.  Do I pick up where I left off?  Do I just jump in to my life today?  If this is meant to be a scrapbook of my life, how do I skip the most important eight and a half months yet?  But gosh, how long would it take me to catch up?

First, here are my reasons for not writing.  One, I'm busier.  Babies are time consuming in case you were wondering.  Second, I still can't write down her birth story.  It was hard.  It was painful and real and primal and so darn personal.  I never intended to air all of the nitty gritty on this blog, but I did feel like I owed it to myself and to Daphne to write a few words about her entry into this world.  And I had such writer's fear (this was so much stronger than your hum drum writer's block), I just couldn't do it.  And since I couldn't talk about the biggest thing that had ever happened to me, how could I write about the next thing?  Or the next thing after that?  There was a giant hole in my life story.

So what did I do?  I foolishly let that birth story hole turn into an 8-month hole.  Well, first it was a month and I thought, "I should just do it.  Write the post, even if I don't post it."  Then it was two, and three and so on...  You get the idea.  And here we are eight months later and that post still has not been written.

I've decided to call it my white whale for now.  Maybe I'll triumph one day, but I don't think I should let it stop me here and now.  For the time being, I will jump into our lives as they are now and throw in some "Throw back" posts if they seem to make sense.

I will leave you with a few pictures of our little chicken.  These are not necessarily my favorite, or the best quality, but I do believe none of these exact pictures have been posted on facebook or emailed.  I just cannot believe how much she's changed.

 [May 31, 2012:  One day old]










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