"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Time Travel

I am on Spring Break.  It is Sunday night and I still have one full week of freedom.  I won't deny that this is awesome, but I don't know if I can take being cooped up in the house all week.  Why on earth would I do that?  

This is why.
View of the back yard March 2013. 
It is March 24th, people.  Last year was a totally different story.  I was pregnant and therefore, hot, all the time.  Over spring break, we broke 90 degrees and I found myself lamenting the fact that most of my maternity clothing had been purchased with winter in mind.  C'mon Missouri.  Get it together. 

View of the back yard March 2012.  

Due to our new nine inches of snow, I've been throwing myself a big ole pity party.  Daphne has been sick for a week.  Roseola.  Since Matt is paid hourly and I'm on a salary with quite a few days built up, I'm the default person to stay home.  I'm generally okay with that, but little girl had a fever for four days!  We were miserable and cooped up in the house with no option go to anyplace at all.  I'd consider myself a homebody, but five days without going outside is too much!

So instead of being sad that we decided not to go on a spring break trip this year or chiming in on Facebook with my whining about how Punxsutawney Phil is one lying sack of groundhog, I've decided to be grateful for all of my past travels.  That is easier for me, knowing that I already have a trip planned with a big group of friends for the end of July.  So I just have to wait - that just means more time to work on my beach bod, right?!

I don't have pictures from all of the trips I've taken in my life.  And many of these were not digital until I took a photo of a photo this afternoon.  Here is what I found on my afternoon trip down memory lane.

Gulf Shores, Alabama  

1990-ish.  I'm not exactly sure of the year, but since these are all of my siblings I know I wasn't ten yet. Mary, sibling number five, was not born and she was born when I was ten!

Top Row:  brother Mark, cousin Justin, me, cousin Brooke
Bottom Row:  sister Sommer, sister Audrey

Girl Scout Camp, Camp Cederledge

I think I was about nine years old here.  I know I had a terrible disposable camera with me.  Sommer was there, too, but I have no pictures of her.  I do, however, have some sweet pictures of my bunk which I remember staging very carefully before taking pictures.  Oh geez.  Get a load of that archery stance.  I think the long hair and Umbro shorts are key.  


Florence/Assissi/Arrezzo/Rome, Italy

There is a break in my photo collection here.  The next trip I have evidence of was my trip to Italy with the All Saints Youth Group.  It was 2000, and I was 17 years old.  The photos from this trip are not great.  There are a ton of them, but they capture my limited 17-year-old focus instead of the amazing trip this was. 

Pictured in Florence:  Friends from the youth group.
 I am wearing the backpack (top right) and Sommer is sitting exactly in the middle on the curb.

Chicago, Illinois

As a senior trip, I went to Chicago with my friends, Laura and Megan.  We were graduating form high school and I was 18.  Again, there is not a ton of photo evidence that actually makes it clear that we were in Chicago.  This was our commemorative photo after our trip up to the top of Sears Tower.  We planned this trip from start to finish by ourselves.  This was my first time on a plane without a parent or guardian who was in charge, we took a shuttle to our hotel on Michigan Avenue and we found our way around the El Train.  It was liberating!

Daytona Beach, Florida 

I believe it was the summer of 2002 when we went to Orlando, Florida.  I was 19.  We were totally immersed in Disney and found our way to the beach for a short bit.  Mark let his feet get utterly sunburned so we only went for one day.  Here I am with Sommer, reluctantly posing for the camera in our swim suits - proof that she has always been thinner and blonder than me.  Jerk.

Estes Park, Colorado

One of my favorite family trips was our vacation to Colorado over the fourth of July. I was 21 years old.  For half of the trip, we camped at the base of a small mountain that was a two minute drive from the entrance to the Rocky Mountain National Park.  

Again, these pictures don't show my parents or much of the awesome trip.  My favorite moment of any vacation I've ever been on was the moment I saw the sun come up over the Rockies.  So cliche, but true.  After meeting a shuttle at 6:00am on one side of the national park, we drove through the mountains to get to a white water rafting drop-off point.  Dang.  It was gorgeous.  Most of my family was sleeping and it was impossible to take pictures from inside the van but it was stunning.  

Various Cities, England

In August of 2004, I flew across the pond by myself.  Sometimes, I still can't believe I did that.  Or that my mom let me.  Or that I wasn't scared at all!  I navigated Heathrow airport for god's sake.  The thought of doing that now makes me anxious...

It was a great trip to visit my friends Rachel and Phil.  Rachel was a foreign exchange student living in my dorm during my first semester of college and we have been friends ever since.  I haven't seen her in a year or two... maybe it's time to plan another trip to Britain!  

At the replica of The Globe theater in London.
We had just watched Romeo and Juliet live from the pit - it even rained on us during the performance!

Exploring Warwick Castle

Representing MU at London Bridge

Road Trip to the Smokies 

After finishing graduate school in July of 2007, I went on a road trip with my newly married friend and roommate.  It was our last roommate hurrah before we parted so she could live with her husband and I could live in my own place.  We loaded up our camping gear, took an old school atlas and just left.  We knew we wanted to head east instead of west since the thought of driving through Kansas didn't sound fun.  The whole week was spent looking for the perfect piece of pecan pie.  A trip launched by pie quickly became one of my favorite road trips ever.

Posing with Jacqui in Nashville for a few hours of pie-hunting.  No luck. 
Hiking at Fall Creek Falls State Park in Tennessee.  My gosh we look young.  

We passed this giant cow on a trailer as we drove down the highway.  Hours later, as we stopped for gas and to search for pie, we were reunited!  It was visiting the Cream City Crankin' ice cream contest which we happily participated in as judges.  No pie, but delicious ice cream and a story!

Metropolis, Illinois was a town along the way.

Hermann, Missouri

We took a long weekend trip to Hermann in 2009 for the BBQ and Berries Wine Trail Festival.  Each of the six participating wineries paired BBQ dishes with a specific wine from their vineyard.  Delicious!  This little trip was our solution to not having the time or cash to go on a long vacation that year.  For one of our nights away, we stayed in the Alpenhorn Gausthaus and we vowed to return someday.  It hasn't happened yet, but I think it probably should soon!

At Oak Glen Winery. 

In the wine cellar at Hermannof Winery.  

Nashville, Tennessee

Over Christmas in 2009, we visited family in Kentucky and decided to take an excursion around Nashville.  Matt went to grad school there and wanted to show me around.  My previous trip was short and disappointing since we couldn't find any pecan pie - he wanted to turn my opinion around!  We found the Loveless Cafe which had been featured on the Food Network.  Two hours later we were seated only to have a retired couple approach us and ask if they could avoid the wait by sitting with us at our four person table.  They were a wealthy couple from New Orleans who visits Nashville every winter.  And in exchange for crashing our table, they  bought our lunch!

Loveless Cafe

Lovelss Cafe

New Orleans, Louisiana

Our honeymoon was in New Orleans!  What an awesome road trip.  The food, the culture, the architecture....  I love this city.  It was so hot in July so I'd like to go back in the fall sometime soon.  We stayed at the Frenchman Hotel at the very end of the French Quarter.  We walked or took the street car everywhere.  It was all we could do to fit in all of the restaurants we wanted to check out, but we managed to visit Cafe du Monde twice without falling into a food coma.  

Just married!

Getting on the Saint Charles line street car. 

At Pat O'Briens on Bourbon Street.  


Dauphin Island, Alabama

In 2011, we went on a spring break trip - my first ever!  I haven't been on one since and I am sad about that fact.  This was a huge group of friends who rented a beach house, on stilts, in the sand, with the beach as the front yard....  As a winter storm rained down on Missouri, we skipped town and watched the car's thermometer rise, rise, rise as we went South.  

I had never been on a vacation that had so much unplanned time.  It was wonderful and exactly what we needed - a break from the hustle and bustle.  We read, walked the beach, played in the sand, jumped waves, played cards, cooked.  It was so lovely.  

In our "front yard" for the week. 

The Rib Shack in Mississippi - We had to find some good BBQ on the way home!

Kansas City, Missouri

Okay, okay.  I know this isn't much of a travel for us, but it was all we could swing because of the baby bump.  I was almost 8 months pregnant and we just couldn't make a real trip happen.  So, we went to Kansas City for the day.  We hit up a famous sandwich shop, visited Nelson-Atkins, did some baby girl "going home" outfit shopping, and walked around the zoo.  Oh and ice cream.  We had some great ice cream.  

With our loot from Buy Buy Baby.
The outfit on the right became Daphne's "going home" outfit.  

Me (and Daphne) in front of the Nelson-Atkins shuttlecock.

Chicago, Illinois

In June of 2012, our dear friends moved to Chicago.  At the end of July, we went to visit.  It was Daphne's first trip!  We walked around with the baby carrier and she slept most of the time, but I think she liked it!  We packed the two days we visited with lots of catching up and a few tourist attractions. I have always really liked the city  and we have friends there now, so we have plans to visit again - hopefully this summer.  

The train exhibit at the Museum of Science and Technology.

The electricity exhibit at the Museum of Science and Technology.

There you have it.  These are the places and trips I revisited today.  So, while I am not the worldliest of travelers and I would certainly like to do a LOT more glob-trotting, jet-setting and world-exploring, I realize I have been fortunate enough to make these trips happen.   Even though I am stuck at home without a dry sidewalk to stroll on, I will try to shake off the funk and look forward to my next adventure.   Next up?  Seacrest, Florida in July 2013!  

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