"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Saturday, November 16, 2013

So Many More Than 30

As I sift through my shattered life, I am also trying to gear myself up for the holidays.  Today, I remembered my Thanksgiving gift to Matt last year - the email copied below.  Now it seems superficial and small and way too short.  I am not okay, and I fear I will never be, but maybe remembering these small things will help.  More importantly, I hope these memories help me answer Daphne's questions in the future.

From: Carolyn
Date: November 22, 2012, 9:03:21 AM CST
To: Matt
Subject: Reasons I am thankful for you
Reasons I am thankful for you:

1:  You love me despite my dervish (his nickname for my cooking messes)
2:  You are so in love with Daphne 
3:  Our lazy Sunday afternoons at home 
4:  You work so hard to stay healthy and have overcome so much 
5:  You share the load of dishes and diaper laundry 
6:  You listen to love songs, think of me, and share the song with me 
7:  You are supportive of my career and where it might take me 
8:  You want to provide for our family even if that means changing jobs 
9:  You pursue your own hobbies and are really good at them 
10:  You love my family and go hang on the island (to hunt deer) even though it's not your thing 
11 :  Watching tv is more fun with you because you laugh freely and it is contagious 
12:  You take care of me and make sure I have what I need  
13:  You kiss me very time you get home and every time we part 
14:  You appreciate good food 
15:  You snuggle me before we sleep 
16:  You call Daphne "sleepy beepy" when she is tired or asleep
17:  You like my skinny jeans 
18:  You are so gosh darn handsome 
19:  You are smarter than you give yourself credit for 
20: You tell me everything 
21:  You are so slow, but you are trying to be more on time :-) 
22:  You clean up my water glasses 
23:  You are good at long-distance driving 
24:  You are really good at job interviews 
25:  You use grammar when you text 
26:  You tell me you love me every time we part in person or on the phone 
27:  You gave our daughter your deep blue eyes and long lashes 
28:  You read to me before bed 
29:  Daphne lights up when she sees you 
30:  You make me feel important and needed and loved.   

I love you Matt Foster. And I'm thankful for you every minute of every day.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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