"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Friday, July 24, 2009

Home Improvement

Almost every morning I wake up and wonder, "What can I do in the yard today?" Far too often, I come up with absolutely nothing. Just wait until planting season! I've got big, big plans for our outdoor space.

Even though it's not the best time for a transplant, I split and planted about 20 bright yellow day lilies we received as a gift from my parents.



As I finished teaching summer school, I quickly turned to the many interior home improvement projects I've assigned myself. I have expressed to Matt that I'd like our house to be our own private art gallery, which will probably take many years to accomplish. He agrees so we've begun in a small way - by 'remodeling' the bathroom. This is a first step. Everything in the room is in good condition, but the light fixture is less than desirable, the flooring still screams out for a change and the perfect window treatment still eludes me. At least the paint and art are under control.

Boring before:

Spicy after:

Oh, and we finally purchased a ladder and were able to add a clock to our living room :-)

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