"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hoosier Holiday

It has become clear to me that there may not be a classy way to celebrate our country's birth. I mean no offense by this - I myself enjoy some of the least classy ways to enjoy this day. For instance, I opted out of the slightly classier downtown fireworks show, where John Melloncamp blares from the speakers as suburbanites flock to the big city to eat giant turkey legs and drink Anheiser Busch products from small white, plastic cups that somehow never, ever make it into the trash receptacles set out for the occasion. What did I opt out for? The small gathering of family and amateur fireworks display that happens in my parents' front yard every year.

After a full meal and a few brews, we douse ourselves in bug spray and head out to the front porch for Black Cats, Bottle Rockets, Twirling Sizzlers, Mega Sparklers, Parachute Men and, of course, Snappers. I believe my favorite 4th of July firework is no longer legal. Every year, I would line up as many snakes as I possibly could on the asphalt driveway and let my dad light my concotion. Slowly, the snake would grow and connect with others and curl as it burned. Unpredictable like most fireworks? Yes. A little quieter, without the seemingly satisfying 'BLAM' of many explosives? Yes. WAY cooler because the enjoyment received from a snake was almost tangible, lasting until the very end burned out and you were left with a heap of wormy ashes that stayed as long as you could stand it before you dumped a bucket of water on them to wash them down the drive? Also yes.

This year was the second marked by unseasonably cool temperatures for July. Last year I didn't make it back to the parents' house and watched the big fireworks display in town with a few friends at the stadium. We shivered and huddled under a sweatshirt found in the back of Matt's car as we peered upward. It just wasn't the same as the DIY fireworks show I'm used to. This year, there was no shivering, but plenty of rain, rain, rain and a lot of humidity. Some of our homegrown explosives were a bit of a dud - too damp to take off and wow us with their crackly splendor.

Overall, fun was had by everyone except for the little ones who, after a few failed attempts to enjoy these very loud bursts of color, retreated to the house to watch Disney's " The Junglebook." That might be the classiest option yet.

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