"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Found a dress, found a dress, found a dress!  Done deal.  Scheduled to be shipped from the manufacturer on March 8th!  And the serendipity involved on the day I ordered it - oh my!

7:00am - My mother calls me and tells me she cannot come to Columbia over the weekend to look at the most recent dress I've found......but she can come today if I can do it before 2:00pm because she needs to be back in Saint Peters by 4:00pm.  Can I find a sub for the afternoon?  Sorry.  I work until 2:45.  Can't get off.  Maybe next Tuesday?

7:02am - A substitute walks in my classroom door and tells me there has been a mistake.  She's scheduled for the whole day, but only has to cover sixth hour.  Well I've got something you can do!  Cover my afternoon??

11:25am - Leave school, drive home, call The Villager on the way to make the ONLY appointment they have left all day - 1:00pm.  Just enough time. 

12:00pm - Quick lunch, let Olivia stretch her legs after the drive from Saint Peters.

1:00pm - Appointment with Katie at The Villager.  Try on the dress.  Love the dress all over again.  Mom loves the dress, Claire loves the dress.  Olivia thinks I look funny in my Spanx. 

1:40pm - Should I order it today?  On the cusp of two sizes.  Maybe wait until next month and measure again??  No - better safe than sorry.   I'll order today.  Yay.

1:45pm - Ordering.  Fill out forms.  Double check style number and color.  Manager checks in on Katie.  

1:46pm - Manager recognizes dress style number.  Nonchalantly - "Good thing you came in today.  It's the LAST day to order that dress."  WHAT.  Heart flies out of chest.  

1:47pm - Wait while manager orders dress while right in front of me.  Good, good.  Ordered.  Will be shipped to Columbia on March 8th!  Finally done.  

1:50pm - Celebratory ice cream at Sparky's. 

2:00pm - Send Mom, Claire and Olivia on their way back to Saint Peters.  

What if, what if, what if......

1 comment:

  1. Yay Yay Yay! It is so beautiful and so you! I just beam as I read your posts; I am so happy that you guys are so happy :)
