"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Sunday, April 18, 2010


My mom called me today.  I said "Hello?" and she replied with, "Well, all I know is that you must be way too busy."  She of course, was referring to the fact that I had not yet updated my blog with an Easter post.  I am behind and have a lot going on in all areas of my life.  It's funny how those are the times when I blog the least - when there is actually more to blog about in the first place.  That, after all, is the purpose of this blog.  It is to be a virtual scrapbook to keep all the memories in one place and to share with those who might want to take a look.  Well, in the interest of using this blog for its intended use, I add an Easter post and a promise to update again soon with wedding/life information.  

We spent our Easter weekend in Saint Peters this year with the Chipleys and extended families.  We had a wonderful time of Egg-dying, movie-watching, feast- eating fun. 
Easter Eggs!

Visit to Grandma French's House!

East Morning Candies!

Visit to Grandma and Grandpa Chipley's!

Too much sun makes for an awkward family photo...

Before and after?


To all who celebrate, we hope you had a Happy Easter :-) 

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