"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Been Making Some Things....

Dad turned 50 on May 20th.  He never seems truly happy with any gift I give him (always tells me not to spend money on him), so this year, my goal was to top all cards I'd ever given him.  I took a blank card, sewed some coordinating fabric on the front, sewed another swatch of cream colored paper over that and gave it a stamped greeting.  I wasn't there to see him open it since I had to send it through the mail, but mom tells me he was pleased.  Goal accomplished :-)  And new hobby found!

Last weekend, Matt was out of town and I took the day to be productive in the garden.  My first task was to dress up our mailbox with a small flower bed made of recycled brick.  I made it using the lasagna method - so much easier than I anticipated it would be!  Petunias aren't my favorite, but they grow like WEEDS so for something so front and center, I'll take 'em!  It still needs a bit of mulch, but so far I'm pleased.  

And finally, my dreams of becoming a published author take on their newest form - cook books!  How cool would it be to develop, design, create, write, and publish a book of your very own recipes?!  I've got ideas swirling!   Here's my newest creation.  I took it to a Memorial Day bbq and it was  HIT.  I had the opportunity to make it again for another event just a few days later and this time I actually measured the ingredients as I made it.  Normally, I have a hard time recreating my concoctions, but this one wasn't too hard to get right a second time.  This morning, it earned itself a name when my 1st and 2nd hour block students gave it this dandy.  From now on I will refer to it as my "Mosaic Garden Bake."  

Mosaic Garden Bake

4 cups diced sweet potatoes
2 cups peeled and chopped parsnips
2 cups asparagus chopped into 1-inch pieces
1 chopped yellow bell pepper
5 chopped green onions
1/2 cup chopped parsley
3/4 cup shredded Parmesan 
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Roast the potatoes, parsnips and olive oil at 400 degrees until vegetables are tender.  Wait until potatoes are almost finished before roasting asparagus and peppers on a baking sheet.  When asparagus is just barely tender, take out and combine.  Add parsley, green onion, salt, pepper and Parmesan cheese.  

I don't mean to brag but I could eat this every day!  If you're not cooking with fresh parsley, you are so missing out.   I think it can improve the flavor of just about anything.  Just about ;-)


  1. Never heard of lasagna gardening! so excited to try it! Did you use Newspaper or cardboard? and what did you use in your "organic mixture?"

  2. I use newspaper - 4 to 6 layers or so. And for organic matter, I use the composted cow manure they sell in bags at Menards. I top it off with a bag of top soil (also told at Menards) and and add plants! I should have the beds in the back yard finished soon. I'll post pics when I'm finished :)
