"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

32 Weeks

We had our 32-Week appointment today. Things are still looking good and baby is still measuring "bigger than date." At our 30-week appointment, we had another ultrasound that measured baby girl in the 71st percentile for size/weight. Not bad. But considering the fact that just ten weeks prior to that, she was only in the 50th percentile, her pace has picked up quite a bit.

Today doc just pulled out the measuring tape like normal, but she wasn't surprised to see that baby is up pretty high making it harder and harder to eat full meals/breathe :-)

Slow down, baby girl! Slow down! Healthy is most important, and bigger is not always better.....

[32 Week Baby - She is supposed to be over four pounds by this point.]

P.S. I just realized today that the last time I got my hair cut was in September, right about the time I found out I was pregnant. So this bump progression has accidentally been a hair length/thickness progression as well. I sure do miss my hairdresser, Tia, and my short bob, but think it will be better to have the long hair for convenience after Baby gets here.


  1. You look GREAT!!! You are absolutely glowing and I'm super excited for you and your new little family. Congrats!

  2. Thanks, lady! Hope you guys are doing well!
