"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Monday, April 23, 2012

Two Showers and a Baby - Part #1

We were lucky enough to have two baby showers.  The first one was thrown in Columbia by some of our posse here.  

I work with some pretty awesome people.  I have been so lucky to make some really wonderful friends in Columbia - friends I was so sad to be leaving when, for a short time, we thought we might be headed to a new city.  I'm thankful to have good people around me every day.  On April 6th, Matt and I had the pleasure of attending a shower that felt like a happy hour/baby shower thrown by these lovely ladies. 

 [Hostesses from the left: Mackenzie, Katie, Leia, Nancy, Cassandra and Jessica]

And this lovely lady!  Isn't her Weston so darn handsome?

[Here I am with one more hostess:  Jayme + her son Weston]

 I'm not kidding about the laid back happy hour vibe - just what the doctor ordered for a Friday night baby celebration :-)

The girls went all out and decorated with an elephant theme :-) 

They organized a really fun baby trivia game which earned lots o' giggles.  

[We put on a good showing, but alas, we didn't win.  Our team was comprised of 
Matt, me, Liz and Beckie.]

We were showered with tons of books, gifts and a delicious cake with whipped cream icing.  The group went in together and bought darn near all of our cloth diaper registry.  Score!! 

[One of my favorite gifts was from Cara - a homemade quilt in our nursery colors of grey, white and yellow.  So soft!]

[The cake.  I definitely took the leftovers of that home and definitely had a second piece later that night.  I'm not proud.]

Thank you, friends!  We had a lovely time and are so thankful for your generosity and support.

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