"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Car(s)

Well, we have had a strange turn of events regarding the vehicles in our household. Two days ago, I said goodbye to my 1997 Honda Civic after over ten years of driving it.

[There she is before I drove away in my new ride. Good old Silver, all stripped down.]

We actually made a two car deal in order to make this happen. We traded in two cars, and aquired two cars which is just absolutely nutty to me still. But it worked and now we have two equally safe cars to drive our future kid around in.

We traded in Matt's 2011 Nissan Altima and my 1997 Honda Civic in order to get two, yes I did say two, 2012 Nissan Sentras. Out of all of our options (leasing, buying new, buying used, a combination of some of these, etc.) this was the best financing deal and it won't affect our monthly budget much at all.

So I'm no longer a Honda driver. Oh, who am I kidding? I spent the first 15 driving years of my life in a Honda Civic and will always be a Honda driver. I even had tears in my eyes as I closed her up and walked away.

For now, I (much more reliably) drive a black Nissan Sentra just like the one in the stock photo above. And Matt drives a bright red one :-) Feel free to make fun as much as you want - we've been called "The Doublemint Twins" already and we're okay with it. We are just so relieved to be in two reliable cars that are safe and that get absolutely awesome gas mileage.

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