"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Room Makeover Phase Four - Baby Bookshelves and Picture Frames

Ya know how some things get worse before they get better?  Well the baby room certainly did.  We were showered by wonderful friends and family (Baby Shower #2 Post coming soon!) and then we had to organize it all....which actually proved to be a bit overwhelming :-)   I spent quite a bit of time sorting clothing and other goodies by size, age appropriateness, category, etc.  And it looked like chaos for a whole day before it looked better.  

While I tackled some of this craziness, Matt was hard at work putting up the shelves we were given by the best brother-in-law I have :-)  We originally planned to just buy some white ledge shelving to put our books on.  He did one better and MADE them himself!  And we love, love, love them. 

[Like I've said before, we aren't great at this sort of thing...but we eventually figured it out with the use of a drill, a level and a very newly purchased stud-finder.]

[Matt was absolutely thrilled that I was documenting the whole affair...]

[Time for books.  Lots of books!]

Since we were on a roll, we decided to go ahead and tackle the frame wall as soon as we finished the bookshelves.
[We started with this blank wall, some spray-painted $2.00 frames and some free art prints, photos, postcards, etc. ]

[I did a search for "free printables" online to find things like this "Life is a Beautiful Ride" print.]

[The elephant, which is my favorite, is actually a print of some artwork from a Hickman student.  The staff loved it as much as I did, so we made it the cover of this year's magazine.]

And one final touch above the closet doors - the gift Matt gave to me on our first Valentine's Day together.  What better place than the kid's room, right?

And voila! Almost done.  Just a few more finishing touches to go before it's ready! 

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