"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

38 and 39 Weeks

Yesterday we reached 39 weeks of baby bump.  Only six more days until the due date - a date that once felt so very far away is practically here and I'm not sure it has officially sunk in yet.  For over two weeks, I've endured the most inappropriate comments and questions - mostly from people who barely know me.  The same question from a friend or family member doesn't seem out of line.  I'll spare the details, but some of these questions even gross me out.  Needless to say, I've been feeling lots of pressure - from just about everyone I come in contact with, including strangers - to have this child.  My students are even throwing my own advice back at me, "Ms. Chip, you really shouldn't procrastinate.  Hurry up and have that baby!"  We've even passed around an email sign-up list in case she shows up after finals are over (two days from now) so they can get a name update before school starts up in the fall.  They just can't wait.

Well, I'm a bit uncomfortable with the ankle-swelling and the heartburn and the fact that I need help getting off the couch, but I figure every minute she waits to arrive is one more minute I am meant to let reality sink in a little further.  Pretty soon three people are going to live here instead of just two.  So crazy.  So surreal.

Doc says it could be any day now and we go back to visit her tomorrow afternoon for an update.  Either way, she won't let me stay pregnant longer than June 4th, so if by Monday the 28th she hasn't arrived an induction will be scheduled.  For right now, I'll just continue to be the "ticking time bomb" as one of my colleagues called me at lunch today.  Awesome.

Below is a full bump/body progression.  Good lord.  Breastfeeding better, #1 be possible for me and #2 burn 500 calories a day like they say.  I've been working on some puff!

[Baby Announcement]

[16 Weeks]

[18 Weeks]

[20 Weeks]

[24 Weeks]

[28 Weeks]

[32 Weeks]

[34 Weeks]

[37 Weeks]

[38 Weeks]

[39 Weeks]

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