"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Another Year Behind Us

The 2011-2012 school year is officially behind us!  Today I finished up finals with my two block classes (it's a presentation for ease of grading), finalized grades, cleared out all extra handouts and unclaimed assignments, and filled out my "End of the Year Checkout List." Tomorrow I return to the building for a few minutes to officially turn in said checklist, return a library book and clean out my classroom fridge.  For the first time ever, I'm not teaching summer school and even though I'll be taking care of a newborn, I don't have to think about school for many weeks.  Quite refreshing. 

I had a great group of students in the U.S. Studies Block class this year.  We usually had a grand time and everyone learned a lot along the way.  I am still surprised and happy about their reaction (and subsequent interest and pestering) about Baby Foster.  I really hope they come back to visit like Krissy (in the first picture below) did all year during her study hall.  

[With Krissy outside the Media Center]

[With Megan in my classroom]

[Again with Megan from the side....hmmm.]

[With Kia, photo bombed by Brandon.  Man, was I puffy today, or what? ]

Dont' get me wrong.  I'm glad to say goodbye for a few months - they were especially feisty this week and did a little dance right up on my last few nerves.  But the students in next year's crop have some pretty huge, and pretty hilarious, shoes to fill.

For now, FREEDOM.  For a few days, or hours....until Baby Foster takes over.  

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