"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Friday, May 18, 2012

In Other News....

Since babies apparently take over your life months and months before they actually arrive, I feel like that's all I've talked about lately.  Or all anyone wants to talk to me about.  It's a cyclical and logical thing - I get it.  But life does go on.  Even when there is a babe on the way.

  • School is just crazily trucking along.  The end of school (May 24th) has coincided so closely with a baby due date (May 28th) that they have become synonymous in my head.  Right now we're prepping for finals or giving final presentations in all of my classes.  The end of the school year is here.  I can smell it.  We're saying goodbye to a pretty darn great group of seniors this year.  Since I teach solely juniors, I'm not so caught up in their hoopla or their senioritis, but I've had many come to say goodbye, give me senior pictures, get my signature in their yearbook, etc.  Here's a picture with last year's U.S. Studies student, Krissy, on her last day of high school yesterday.  Not bad for a phone photo! All year she tried to crash our block class during her study hall.  She's a pistol.

  • Matt took a new job.  He has been working for a physician recruiting company since he came back from Saint Louis in November, but it was just to pay the bills and reunite us.  All the while, he was looking for a job in the area that would actually use his expertise.  Through a strange chain of events, Matt reached out to the local fitness club that has pretty much monopolized the city for almost 30 years.  And they created a position for him!  So he is still learning the ropes as he has just been there for a few weeks, but so far it's going well.  He's using his education and experience now and will able to be creative in a setting he really enjoys. 
  • We rearranged the living room.  I know.  Not a huge deal, but we've finally found a way to have a couch face both the fireplace and the TV which used to be on opposite caddy corners of this oddly shaped room.  If I think about it, I'll snap a few pictures this weekend.  Even if it's not permanent, I quite like the freshness of a furniture change. 
  • For now that's it.....I guess our non-baby news list isn't so long after all :-)   

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