"Memory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Surprise

On this almost-my-first-mother's-day, I was not expecting big plans.  Matt and I did have a brunch date on the books, but that's not different from most other weekends at home.  Other than that, I just wanted to keep trucking along with our never-ending baby To Do List, maybe take a nap and possibly grade a few papers. From the start, our day did not go like this.  

Originally, we planned to go to brunch earlier than normal - around 8:30-9:00am.  Well, I didn't really roll out of bed until around 8:00 as we were up late last night and Matt was still snoozing close to 9:00 so we were off our schedule. No biggie to me since we didn't have solid scheduled plans for the rest of the day, anyway.  

But then brunch was crowded and Matt got a little stressed about it.   Our normal places - Cafe Berlin and Bleu - were crazy packed with lines and people waiting outside the doors.  So we drove around and eventually decided to grab something quick since I needed to eat and try for more of a lunchtime brunch.  Bummer.  I was trying not to be upset about this, but I was pretty bummed.

So we went to JoAnn's for some fabric.  Not a normal cheer-me-up strategy, but it was on the To Do List and checking anything off that list definitely cheers me up these days.  We're doing what I hope will be a cool photo project with the kid when she arrives so there will be more details on this fabric we purchased later.

And on home for the Cardinals game, a nap and more To Do's....or so I thought.  We had been home for maybe a half hour.  I was about to fall asleep, leaning on Matt when he disturbed my comfy position to use the bathroom.  While he was gone, the doorbell rang and when I went to look and see who was there I saw no one.  Thinking it was just a boy scout flyer or something that would be attached to my door, I almost didn't open it to check.  Thank goodness I did because I found Mom, Dad, Claire and Olivia all huddled in the corner waiting to surprise me with a "Happy Mother's Day!"  I had no idea!  Matt had been in on it the whole time, and had gotten up to use the bathroom so he could force me to be the one to open the front door.  Smart thinking, Foster.  

Anyway, we had a great day and I was so happy to see everyone!  We did some hanging around the house, ate some Flat Branch for lunch, played at Flat Branch park (including a romp in the fountains for Olivia) and indulged in some Sparky's ice cream for dessert.   Perfect! 

Thanks for the visit, family!  And Happy Mother's Day, Mom!  

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